Order an official #Lisbon2022 T-Shirt ahead of this historic Global Meeting.
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Order an official #Lisbon2022 T-Shirt ahead of this historic Global Meeting.
This year, there will be no formal, physical book exhibit. Instead, we are organizing a bottom-up exhibit where attendees can bring their recently published book to exhibit at the conference.
The Law & Society Association is happy to announce childcare grants of up to $300 to assist Global Meeting participants.
We are happy to announce the schedule for the 7th Global Meeting on Law and Society!
Check out our April update about the Global Meeting!
The Program Committee is responsible for creating sessions for individually submitted papers that have been accepted. Volunteers for Chair and Discussant roles are greatly appreciated.
Early registration for the 2022 Global Meeting on Law & Society is now open!
The 2022 Program Committee and Executive Office have extended the submissions deadline for the 2022 Global Meetieng on Law & Society.
Learn more about the 2022 Global Meeting logo and the artist who created it!
The Law and Society Association (LSA) is pleased to announce the call for applications for the Graduate Student & Early Career Workshop, in summer 2022.