University of California-Santa Cruz

Professor of Sociology & Legal Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz & former President of the Asian Law & Society Association (2018-2019), specialized in lay adjudication, Asian law and politics, Original Nation Approaches to Inter-National Law (ONAIL), private international law, and race and law. He is a co-founder of the Collaborative Research Network (CRN) “East Asian Law and Society” and the International Research Collaborative (IRC) “The State and the Corporation as Legal Fictions: Original Nation and Dissent” at the Law and Society Association (LSA).
His article publications include: “The ‘Vaccine Genocide’ of Indigenous Nations and Peoples: The Intellectual Property (IP) Rights, ‘Vaccine Apartheid,’ and ‘Vaccine Untouchables’” in the Fourth World Journal (2023); “The Prevention of the Sixth Mass Extinction: Socio-Legal Responses to Mitigate the Anthropogenic Crises in Asia and Beyond” (2022); “The Decoupling of the Nation and the State: Constitutionalizing Transnational Nationhood, Cross Border Connectivity, Diaspora and ‘Nation’ Identity-Affiliations in Asia and Beyond” (2020); “President’s Farewell Message; The Anthropocene, Earth Jurisprudence and the Rights of Nature” (2020); “Fourth World Approaches to International Law (FWAIL) and Asia’s Indigenous Struggles and Quests for Recognition under International Law” (2018), all of which appeared in the Asian Journal of Law and Society (Cambridge Univ. Press).
His books include: People’s Prosecution Review Commissions & Japan’s Prosecution (2022); Original Nation Approaches to Inter-National Law: The Quest for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Nature in the Age of Anthropocene (2021); Civil Jury Trials will Democratize Japan (2020); East Asia’s Renewed Respect for the Rule of Law in the 21st Century (2015); Japan and Civil Jury Trials: The Convergence of Forces (2015); Nuclear Tsunami (2015); Race in the Jury Box: Affirmative Action in Jury Selection (2003); Anatomy of the McMartin Child Molestation Case (2001); Race and the Jury: Racial Disenfranchisement and the Search for Justice (1993, Gustavus Meyers Human Rights Award); & Common Destiny: Japan and the U.S. in the Global Age (1990).