LSA 2021 Covid-19 Statement of Support

Dear Colleagues,
As we prepare for the LSA meeting next week, we send this message of solidarity to colleagues and friends around the world. Our theme this is year is Crisis, Healing and Reimagining. We recognize that for many of us, the Crisis is becoming more acute, not less.
We acknowledge the extraordinary loss and sorrow facing many as you support loved ones and colleagues, and that consequently many will not be able to attend our upcoming meeting. It is our hope that the LSA community will come together in mutual support and solidarity.
For participants to the Annual Meeting, we have requested that the organizers, chairs and panel participants allow as much flexibility as possible for maximum participation in their sessions. For participants who are unable to fully participate in the traditional manner, we request that you reach out to the organizer or chair and arrange for possible alternative ways to present your paper. This may include making remarks at the panel without sharing a formal draft of a paper, or pre-recording your presentation and asking the chair to share the presentation during the session. We have asked organizers and chairs to be flexible with these requests.
Please feel free to reach out to the Executive Office ( if you are not sure about the feasibility of a particular request.
We wish everyone a successful annual meeting during this challenging time.
Penelope Andrews, LSA President
Steve Boutcher, LSA Executive Officer
Tom Ginsberg, Program Committee Co-Chair
Alexandra Huneeus, Program Committee Co-Chair

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